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How Controlled Are You? – Impulse Control

Impulse control is the ability to think before acting. Low impulse control is characterized by: The tendency to jump to hasty conclusions An “act now, think later” approach to solving problems and making decisions Being overly talkative or controlling in meetings and conversations Regular moments of regret, perhaps wishing you would have analyzed a situation […]

How Do You Communicate Feelings? – Emotional Expression

Leaders who effectively express their emotions use words and physical expressions to communicate their feelings in a constructive way. This helps to build the authentic relationships that contribute to successful leadership. Consider the leader whose facial expression appears to communicate a particular feeling before he utters a word or the leader whose poker face gives absolutely no indication of […]

What are Your Triggers? – Emotional Self-Awareness

When leaders have a solid understanding of what triggers their emotions they can manage themselves and control the impact their emotions have on others. I once worked for a leader whose emotions could be triggered by something as simple as a question that he did not like. His aggressive and condescending response would silence the room. People became hesitant to ask questions or contribute […]

Our Judgments Get in the Way

As much as we all absolutely hate to be judged and evaluated by others, at some point we have all done just that to someone else. Even if we don’t speak the words going through our heads, our thoughts can be felt.  A person’s view of the world may not be the same as yours due to their […]

Lead Differently – Seek to Understand

Empathy is a key component of every leader’s emotional intelligence.  Covey calls it “seeking to understand.”  Imagine how different you would lead if you took time to gain the perspective of your boss, a peer, co-worker, or direct report. Some confuse empathy with agreement, but understanding does not require agreement.   It does require consideration.  The […]

How Empathetic Are You?

Empathy is an important aspect of relationship building. One’s ability to recognize, understand, and appreciate the way others feel is a core emotional intelligence skill.  Empathy sits at the heart of all effective relationships.  When you know a colleague at a personal level you will better understand what impacts their emotions and be in a better […]

Unlock the power of the four pillars that form the foundation of Dr. Kym’s proprietary M.O.R.E.® Mindset methodology:

Maximum Self-Awareness
Optimal Optimism
Rich Relationships
Empathetic Engagement