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Successful C-Level Leaders Share Their Vision On Business Priorities

Executives in the McKinsey study on what factors contribute to the successful transition into the C-suite, ranked business-related activities as the most impactful.  The majority of executives said it was “very or extremely important to create a shared vision and alignment around their strategic direction across the organization.” Executives reporting the most successful transitions stand […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What it Takes

Demonstrate Vulnerability Leaders who successfully lead and develop diverse talent are students of vulnerability.  They let their guard down, put aside pretenses and share their stories to establish common ground.  These leaders are comfortable with not having all the answers, they listen actively, and freely embrace the perspectives, opinions, and thoughts of others.  This helps […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What it Takes

Sponsor “the Risk” The conversation regarding the advancement of diverse talent is often thought of in terms of risk.  Leaders that successfully lead and develop diverse talent willingly sponsor “the risk.”  They understand that the perceived risk is no more or less than it would be for other individuals.  They build the relationships with diverse […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What it Takes

Challenge stereotypical thinking Leaders who successfully lead diverse talent have the courage to challenge the biased thinking of others. Negative comments and jokes targeting specific groups are squelched; and micro-aggressions are called out, not ignored. I was once in the presence of a leader who suggested that what was interpreted by one leader as abrasive (in his […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What Works

Expanded exposure and visibility – It takes a village Leaders who successfully lead diverse talent understand that they do not have all the answers and they provide access to their internal network for additional support. These leaders understand that retention, development, and advancement of diverse talent are organizational responsibilities that can and should cross functional […]

Unlock the power of the four pillars that form the foundation of Dr. Kym’s proprietary M.O.R.E.® Mindset methodology:

Maximum Self-Awareness
Optimal Optimism
Rich Relationships
Empathetic Engagement