Curiosity – The Power of Our Questions
I remember the time a senior leader said something during a small group conversation that motivated me to ask if he had an alter ego. He enthusiastically answered “Yes!” He then shared that he calls his alter ego Nomar, which is his first name spelled backwards. As he talked about Nomar’s persona, we discovered another dimension of […]
Lead Differently – Focus on Personal Relationships
The quality of a leader’s personal relationships (with family and friends) is indicative of his/her ability to form professional relationships that drive team performance, and stimulate collaboration and innovation among peers, key stakeholders, and co-workers. As you read this article, think about a personal relationship that requires your attention or needs healing. What is a […]
Reframe Your Stories
The stories that reveal the most about us are usually the ones we would rather not share. Sometimes they are embarrassing, too painful, or make us feel vulnerable. I recently had a conversation with a leader who had experienced a challenging year. His son was in a car accident and he lost a sibling to cancer. […]