Competence is More Than Performance, Make Visibility a Priority

When it comes to your career, it is about “who knows you.” Take advantage of opportunities to cultivate relationships with peers, colleagues and senior leaders. You can learn a lot (and share a lot) about someone (and yourself) in the time it takes to walk to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee and […]
Balance Confidence with Relatability

Confident leaders maintain a full and honest view of their strengths and limitations. It is this balanced view that fuels their self-confidence. They lead with their strengths and delegate tasks that can be accomplished more effectively by others. They exercise considerable influence on strategic decisions, serve as role models, and demonstrate the courage to stick by their […]
Confidence – Comfort with Failure

Leaders are not infallible. Given the scope of their work and the magnitude of their decisions it goes without saying that a few mistakes are inevitable every now and then. Mistakes, however, should not be used to de-value one’s sense of self-worth. Even the most soundly planned and researched business deals and projects may not succeed. Attitude, perseverance, […]
Lead Differently – Focus on Personal Relationships

The quality of a leader’s personal relationships (with family and friends) is indicative of his/her ability to form professional relationships that drive team performance, and stimulate collaboration and innovation among peers, key stakeholders, and co-workers. As you read this article, think about a personal relationship that requires your attention or needs healing. What is a […]
Be Kind to Yourself

When pressure mounts, leaders often focus their priority on achievement and neglect their well-being. Be kind to yourself. Use meditation and exercise to boost your stress tolerance and your optimism. Both will help you focus, manage your energy, and handle competing priorities. I often recommend the CALM app, which provides guided mediation sessions in as […]
The Wright Answer – Building Confidence with Guest Dr. Kym Harris

As a young adult I aspired to be the person in charge, respected, and admired by others because I was able to make things happen and extremely good at my job. Looking back, I can objectively say that goal was accomplished. The one thing that I believe would have altered my career experience is greater […]