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Competence is More Than Performance, Increase Your Airtime

Increased collaboration creates buzz throughout the organization about you.  Over time, people will be talking about you in a good way when you are not around. With whom should you be collaborating?  If you were to create a list of thought partners, who would be included? Click here to purchase the book.

Competence is More Than Performance, Make Visibility a Priority

When it comes to your career, it is about “who knows you.” Take advantage of opportunities to cultivate relationships with peers, colleagues and senior leaders.  You can learn a lot (and share a lot) about someone (and yourself) in the time it takes to walk to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee and […]

Successful C-Level Leaders Leverage Their Teams

C-level executives in the McKinsey study on the successful transition to the C-suite acknowledge they did not have all the answers when they began their new positions. Most executives in the study said they relied on the input of their direct reports when determining solutions to the strategic problems they faced at the beginning of […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What it Takes

Sponsor “the Risk” The conversation regarding the advancement of diverse talent is often thought of in terms of risk.  Leaders that successfully lead and develop diverse talent willingly sponsor “the risk.”  They understand that the perceived risk is no more or less than it would be for other individuals.  They build the relationships with diverse […]

Leading Diverse Talent – What Works

Consistent feedback and coaching with clearly stated intentions for success The ability to deal with ambiguity is an organizational competency that too often leads to derailment. Leaders that demonstrate success leading diverse talent ensure role clarity by clearly communicating expectations and identifying key stakeholders. They initiate honest conversations about what success looks like, reinforce strengths, identify […]

How Do You Communicate Feelings? – Emotional Expression

Leaders who effectively express their emotions use words and physical expressions to communicate their feelings in a constructive way. This helps to build the authentic relationships that contribute to successful leadership. Consider the leader whose facial expression appears to communicate a particular feeling before he utters a word or the leader whose poker face gives absolutely no indication of […]

Balance Confidence with Relatability

Confident leaders maintain a full and honest view of their strengths and limitations. It is this balanced view that fuels their self-confidence.  They lead with their strengths and delegate tasks that can be accomplished more effectively by others.  They exercise considerable influence on strategic decisions, serve as role models, and demonstrate the courage to stick by their […]

Acknowledge and Recognize the Success of Others

While interpersonal relationships are considered the medium through which leaders gain buy-in, trust, and the resources needed to reach their goals,  the importance of a leader’s ability to form strong relationships within his or her team cannot be understated.  As a leader, the more you strengthen your interpersonal skills, the better you’ll be able to motivate your team […]

Communicate Standards & Expectations that Engage and Motivate

High performing leaders pursue purpose and enjoyment in their work.  The pursuit of purpose creates fulfillment that motivates these leaders to always be on the lookout for ways to optimize their own talents and the talents of their teams.  Leaders that pursue purpose challenge their teams with high standards and inspire them to surpass their potential.  If you […]

Unlock the power of the four pillars that form the foundation of Dr. Kym’s proprietary M.O.R.E.® Mindset methodology:

Maximum Self-Awareness
Optimal Optimism
Rich Relationships
Empathetic Engagement