The quality of a leader’s personal relationships (with family and friends) is indicative of his/her ability to form professional relationships that drive team performance, and stimulate collaboration and innovation among peers, key stakeholders, and co-workers.
As you read this article, think about a personal relationship that requires your attention or needs healing. What is a small step that you can take to give more time or mend what is broken? When thinking about dedicating more time to your loved ones, consider the power of asking, “What do you need more of from me?” When it comes to conflict, we’ve all had interactions with a loved one that left us “feeling a certain kind of way.” That feeling can stifle our ability to make peace and interfere with our willingness to cross the proverbial line in the sand.
Regret can be heavy and not easily released. With that in mind, think of a time when you did act. If you are like many of us, you found yourself thinking, “I should have done that sooner,” or “that wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.”
Grace and healing in personal relationships cultivate a standard that leaders feel compelled to achieve in their professional relationships. The habit of giving grace elevates the effectiveness of feedback conversations, advances the benefits of coaching, and motivates leaders to meet people where they are.