Confident leaders maintain a full and honest view of their strengths and limitations. It is this balanced view that fuels their self-confidence. They lead with their strengths and delegate tasks that can be accomplished more effectively by others. They exercise considerable influence on strategic decisions, serve as role models, and demonstrate the courage to stick by their convictions even in the face of dissenting viewpoints. While self-confidence is certainly a legitimate competency for leadership, here are a few tips to ensure that self-confidence doesn’t become something that interferes with a leader’s effectiveness.
- While it is important to feel good about your strengths, do not overinflate them. Watch that you don’t fall prey to arrogance. Demonstrate humility and be humble in your approach.
- Successful leaders know their worth. They remain grounded by seeking feedback from their team as well as from other leaders.
- Colleagues respect a leader who is visionary and exudes charisma, but who is also approachable, genuine and can relate to others. A balanced approach will help you win the esteem and admiration of colleagues and team members alike.